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Does home insurance cover roof leaks?

2nd April 2023

Your roof is one of the most important structural parts of your home, and any leaks can be worrying – whatever their cause. Of course, having home insurance is essential for all aspects of your property – including the building itself – but does your policy cover roof leaks?

Your roof is one of the most important structural parts of your home, and any leaks can be worrying – whatever their cause. Of course, having home insurance is essential for all aspects of your property – including the building itself – but does your home insurance policy cover roof leaks?

The coverage for roof leaks under a home insurance policy can vary depending on the specific policy and the cause of the leak. In general, most standard home insurance policies provide coverage for sudden and accidental damage to your home, which can include damage from a roof leak caused by a covered peril such as hail, wind, or falling objects.

Some policies may have specific requirements for roof maintenance and inspections, and failure to comply with these could affect your coverage. Additionally, if the damage is due to wear and tear or neglect, it may not be covered by your policy.

Your insurer may have some particular stipulations when it comes to claiming for roof leaks as part of your home insurance, so understanding what they are and what it means can help you navigate your claim. It’s always a good idea to review your home insurance policy and discuss any concerns or questions to understand what is covered and what is not covered under your specific policy.

Here, we’ll take a look at the causes of roof leaks, the signs of water damage that you need to look out for, how you can find out if you’re covered for roof leaks, and how we can help you make a successful water leak insurance claim.

Causes of roof leaks

A leak can come on suddenly – during a storm, after structural damage caused by wind, debris or lightning, or as the result of a fire or smoke damage – or it can be a result of a problem that’s been building for some time. Roof leaks can be caused by a variety of factors, some of these include:

  • Slipped or missing tiles.
    This can result in water pooling under the slates or tiles, which can damage the underlay and lead to leaks.
  • Clogged gutters and downspouts
    If gutters and downspouts become clogged, water can back up and overflow, leading to water damage and leaks. You might notice dripping or pouring water, particularly during heavy downpours.
  • Damaged flashing or junctions
    Flashing is a material used to seal joints and seams in a roof. If the flashing is cracked, damaged or improperly installed, it can allow water to seep in.
  • Condensation
    This can form under your tiles or underlay if your roof is poorly ventilated. Over time, this will drip through into your ceiling, causing damage.
  • Issues with the underlay
    Where underlay has been exposed to the elements for a long time, it can rot and be ineffectual, which can result in leaks.
  • Age and deterioration
    Over time, roofing materials can degrade and become less effective at keeping water out. This can lead to leaks.
  • Damaged or missing shingles
    If a shingle is missing, broken, or otherwise damaged, it can allow water to seep through.
  • Poor installation
    If a roof was not installed correctly, it can be more prone to leaks.
  • Ice dams
    In cold climates, ice dams can form on roofs, which can lead to leaks as the water backs up under the roof shingles.
  • Hail and wind damage
    Severe weather, such as hailstorms or high winds, can damage roofing materials and create gaps that allow water to seep in.
  • Tree damage
    Falling branches or trees can damage a roof and create leaks.

These problems can have specific causes, but they can also crop up as a result of general wear and tear.

Whatever the cause, a leaking roof can be distressing. It not only damages your building’s structure, it can damage your belongings too, so knowing whether or not any leaks are covered by your home insurance (as well as any repairs that you might need to make) can help lessen any worry or stress you may experience.

Signs your roof is leaking

It’s not always practical (or possible) to climb onto your roof to assess its condition, but if there is a problem, there are some telltale signs that you’re likely to notice both inside and outside your home. These include:

  • Water spots and stains
    Look for stains on your ceilings or walls, especially in the attic. These stains may indicate that water is seeping through the roof. These early warning signs will be most visible where they’ll appear as brown stains.
  • Drips
    Audible dripping within your walls, or finding wet patches in your attic, are sure signs of a leak.
  • Mold
    Look out for black mold and other signs of damp growing on your walls and ceilings.
  • Moss or fungi
    If your roof is leaking water onto your exterior walls (for example, where flashing or guttering is damaged), you might notice moss, mold or fungi tracking along the lines of excess water.
  • Sagging or drooping ceiling
    If the ceiling appears to be sagging or drooping, it may be due to water damage.
  • Cracked or warped roofing materials
    Check your roof for cracked, warped, or missing shingles, tiles, or other roofing materials. These can create openings for water to seep through.
  • Missing or damaged flashing
    Look for damage or missing flashing around chimneys, vents, and other roof penetrations. Damaged flashing can allow water to seep in.
  • Puddles on the roof
    After a rainstorm, check your roof for puddles of water. These can indicate that water is not draining properly and may be seeping through the roof.

No matter what the sign, any moisture should always be investigated as soon as possible. Not only will you be able to find the cause and source – and hopefully quickly remedy it – it will also help in minimising any further damage.

Does home insurance cover repairs when your roof leaks?

Determining the cause of your leak is essential – and not just to help you assess the damage and get an idea of what might need repairing, it also dictates whether or not you’re covered by your home insurance.

Whether or not home insurance covers roof repairs depends on the specific circumstances and the terms of the insurance policy. In general, most standard home insurance policies provide coverage for sudden and accidental damage to your home, which can include damage to your roof caused by a covered peril such as hail, wind, or falling objects.

However, if the damage is due to wear and tear or lack of maintenance, it may not be covered by your insurance policy. Additionally, some insurance policies may have exclusions for certain types of damage, such as damage caused by floods or earthquakes.

It’s always a good idea to review your home insurance policy and discuss any concerns or questions with your insurance agent to understand what is covered and what is not covered under your specific policy.

It’s important to address roof repairs promptly to avoid further damage to your home. If you suspect that your roof needs repairs, it’s a good idea to have a professional inspect your roof to identify the cause of the damage and recommend appropriate repairs.

That’s because, while most insurers will process your claim for damage, they’re unlikely to pay out for leaks caused by general wear and tear. Of course, it’s always best to check your particular policy, but the buildings insurance part of each home insurance policy (which covers protection for the actual structure of your home) usually covers damage or loss as a result of:

  • – Storms, flooding and natural disasters like extreme weather events
  • – Fire
  • – Fallen trees or lampposts
  • – Subsidence
  • – Collisions (of vehicles or aircraft)
  • – Vandalism, theft and attempted theft
  • – Burst or frozen pipes

If your roof is leaking as a result of any of these issues, repairs and payments for any damaged property are likely to be covered by your policy.

However, a successful claim becomes less likely where the leak is caused by general wear and tear – or poor maintenance. This isn’t usually covered by home or buildings insurance as there’s an expectation that you would actively undertake any necessary repairs and maintenance, and it’s possible your insurer will decide that your leak has been caused by your neglect, and won’t pay out for any damage.

It’s therefore essential that you keep on top of roof upkeep, as repairs can help reduce the possibility of leaks and keep your costs down.

Will home insurance cover my house contents when there is a roof leak?

It goes without saying that a leaking roof doesn’t just cause damage to your building’s structure, if it’s severe enough, it might also damage your possessions inside. Electrical items, clothing, furniture and carpets can all be affected by a roof leak, so you need to know that they’re protected too in your insurance policy.

In general, a standard home insurance policy will provide coverage for damage to your personal property or belongings that result from a covered peril, such as a roof leak caused by a storm, flood, fire, natural disaster or other sudden and accidental event. This coverage is typically known as “personal property coverage” or “contents coverage.”

So, if your roof is leaking following a storm or fire, for example, you should be covered for any damage to your belongings too. Of course, always check your policy and speak to your insurance company if you’re unsure as to what your home insurance covers.

For example, if a roof leak causes water damage to your furniture, electronics, or other personal property, your home insurance policy may provide coverage for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged items, up to the limits of your policy.

However, it’s important to note that some home insurance policies may have limitations or exclusions on coverage for certain types of personal property, such as jewellery, art or antiques. Additionally, certain perils, such as flooding or earthquakes, may not be covered under a standard home insurance policy and may require separate coverage.

If the damage to your contents is as a result of a leak caused by lack of maintenance or neglect then it is also possible that your Insurer will decline a claim for these items.

It’s always a good idea to review your home insurance policy and discuss any concerns or questions with your insurance agent to understand what is covered and what is not covered under your specific policy.

How can Harris Balcombe Help?

At Harris Balcombe, we have years of experience when it comes to dealing with roof leak claims, and are here to help you get the compensation you deserve from your insurance company.

Speak to our team on 0330 022 9179 to organise a free, no obligation assessment, and let us take care of everything for you – from emergency pumping and investigating the cause of the leak, to speaking to your insurer and negotiating your claim.




At this point, you would hope that your insurance company is there to help but unfortunately this is not the case. We have known families who have felt intimidated by insurers and have been treated as though they have done something wrong, or are in some way to blame for their situation.

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