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Timing is Everything: When to Reach Out to Harris Balcombe for Your Insurance Claim

19th Jan 2024

Embarking on an insurance claim journey as an individual, business or landlord can be a daunting task, especially when faced with the aftermath of a loss or damage. In these challenging moments, having a reliable ally by your side can make all the difference. At Harris Balcombe, we understand that timing is crucial in the intricate world of insurance claims.

Comprehensive Guide

Here's a comprehensive guide on the best stages to get in touch with us, ensuring that you receive expert guidance and maximise your chances of a successful claim.

  • Immediately After the Loss or Damage Occurs:
    The adage "time is of the essence" holds true when it comes to initiating an insurance claim. As soon as the loss or damage occurs, it's advisable to contact Harris Balcombe promptly. Our experienced team of loss assessors across the UK can provide crucial guidance on how to document the incident effectively and initiate the claims process with your insurance company. The sooner we are involved, the better we can assist you in navigating the initial stages of the claim.
  • Before Submitting a Claim:
    If you find yourself uncertain about how to proceed with your insurance claim or if you have concerns about its complexity, reaching out to Harris Balcombe before submitting the claim is a strategic move. Our specialised team of experts can review your policy, assess the situation, and provide valuable advice on how to maximise the chances of a successful claim. This proactive approach ensures that you start the claims process on solid ground, potentially avoiding complications down the line.
  • When Facing a Dispute:
    Disputes with insurance companies can be a roadblock in the claims process. If you encounter difficulties or disputes during the course of your claim, it's an opportune time to contact Harris Balcombe. Our loss assessors can step in as advocates on your behalf, negotiating with the insurance company and working to resolve any issues that may arise. Our expertise in handling disputes ensures that your interests are protected throughout the process.
  • When Dealing with a Complex Claim:
    Insurance claims can become intricate, especially in cases involving large losses or multiple parties. If you find yourself dealing with a complex claim, reaching out to Harris Balcombe early in the process is highly recommended. Our specialised team is equipped to manage and document all aspects of the claim, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. By involving us from the outset, you set the stage for a streamlined and comprehensive claims process.
  • When You Need Expert Guidance:
    Navigating the nuances of the claims process can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of insurance policies. If you find yourself in need of expert guidance, Harris Balcombe is here to help. Our team specialises in insurance claims management, boasting experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of insurance policies and the claims process. Contacting us early in the process ensures that you have a knowledgeable partner guiding you every step of the way.
  • When You Want to Maximise Your Settlement:
    If your primary goal is to maximise the settlement you receive from your insurance company, involving Harris Balcombe from the beginning is a strategic move. Our loss assessors are adept at properly assessing and valuing claims, potentially leading to a higher payout. By working with us early in the process, you ensure that your claim is thoroughly evaluated, increasing the likelihood of a favourable settlement.
  • Conclusion:
    Timing is indeed everything when it comes to insurance claims. Whether you've just experienced a loss, are unsure about the claims process, facing disputes, dealing with complexity, seeking expert guidance, or aiming to maximise your settlement, Harris Balcombe is here to assist.

    Our specialised team of loss assessors is committed to providing expert guidance and advocacy at every stage of the claims process, ensuring that your interests are protected, and you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. Don't hesitate – reach out to Harris Balcombe at the right stage and let us be your trusted partner in navigating the intricate world of insurance claims.




At this point, you would hope that your insurance company is there to help but unfortunately this is not the case. We have known families who have felt intimidated by insurers and have been treated as though they have done something wrong, or are in some way to blame for their situation.

  • Over 5000
    Successful Claims
    As the UK’s leading insurance claims consultants, you can be confident you have the best team on your side
  • Best Assessors
    Unlike other parties involved in the claims process, you are our sole priority
  • Minimise Stress
    Keep stress to a minimum by managing all aspects of the claims process
  • Get your entitlement
    Get the compensation you are entitled to by negotiating with insurers on your behalf
  • Get your life back
    Get back to normal life as quickly as possible by organising any support you need


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